
Drama Instructor: Rachel Galper



1x week, all year, TK/K


With Rachel, the students at Canyon energetically learn about theatre through games, stories and age appropriate literature. Some themes might for kindergarten include Shakespeare, Mother Goose and their own stories put on stage. You haven’t seen an Old Mother Hubbard story like this one!   

Rachel modifies her curriculum for each grade.


Rachel began her ‘arts in education’ career in New Mexico, where she taught the classics to young people as part of the American Southwest Theatre Company, In L.A., Rachel had some Early Education training at UCLA, and has worked with the Los Angeles Children's Theatre, PS Arts (current) and Santa Monica Playhouse where she is still associated. She teaches Creative Dramatics in Los Angeles and Santa Monica and besides Canyon has worked with students at Beethoven, Paul Revere Middle, McKinley, SMASH and Grand View.